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7th Grade Junior Biologists Explore the Importance of the Cell System

7th Grade Junior Biologists Explore the Importance of the Cell System
Trailblazer News

Over the last few weeks, 7th Grade junior biologists have delved into the intricacies of the cell system.

In the Middle School Integrated Science course, students discover the intricate workings of various organelles that help cells function efficiently and effectively. From cheek cells to vibrant green plant cells, students used microscopes to observe their different characteristics and behaviors.

Next, our junior biologists designed and constructed a highly detailed 3D model of a cell to deepen their understanding of the intricate structure of specialized human body cells. They spent two weeks researching and building a 3D model representing their unique cell structure and shared their work with the class during a two-minute presentation.

As our 7th Grade junior biologists conclude their journey through the cell system, they depart with a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience.


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7th Grade Junior Biologists Explore the Importance of the Cell System