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Unlock the World of Languages With 4th Grade Students

Unlock the World of Languages With 4th Grade Students
Trailblazer News

This week, students in 4th Grade Spanish had a special visitor who helped fully immerse them in the multilingual spirit.

In an engaging Q&A session, the students delved into the fascinating world of language acquisition with Dr. Neetu Sodhi (Ranveer '32 and Kabir '32). Dr. Sodhi, fluent in English, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi, shared valuable insights on the significance of multilingualism in today's world. She stressed the importance of being fluent in several languages, highlighting its role in enhancing communication skills and broadening cultural awareness and perspective. Embracing the world of languages facilitates connections and learning from diverse individuals, ultimately fostering unity among people from different cultures and backgrounds.

The students eagerly contributed to the conversation by sharing the languages spoken in their homes and expressing interest in learning new ones. Their insightful questions covered various topics, from the motivations driving Dr. Sodhi to master five languages to how she seamlessly incorporates them into her work. By the end of her visit, the students had mastered saying hello, goodbye, thank you, and welcome in three new languages, making for a productive and interactive experience. The class enthusiastically declared that learning a new language is like unlocking a secret code to a new world.

Sierra Canyon's World Languages program emphasizes both written and oral communication skills, providing students with cultural immersion and the tools they need to thrive in a global society. On the Lower Campus, students in Pre-K through 5th Grade have the chance to study Spanish. In 6th Grade, they begin Latin, a language considered the root of many different languages and contributes to systems thinking. Students may also take enrichment to further their Spanish. As students advance to the Upper Campus, they can continue their Latin studies, reintroduce themselves to Spanish, or enjoy French, tailoring their language education to personal interests. This curriculum not only ensures a well-rounded linguistic education but also embraces the diversity within the School's community.

Thank you, Dr. Sodhi, for visiting and enlightening these Trailblazers about the importance and enjoyment of being multilingual.


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Unlock the World of Languages With 4th Grade Students