On Thursday, December 7, Sierra Canyon was proud to hold its fall Honors Research Conference, which highlighted students' intellectual curiosity and innovative thinking.
Honors Research is a one-semester interdisciplinary course open to and designed for 11th and 12th Grade students who want to study a subject they are passionate about as they prepare themselves for university-level work. Students choose to study topics representing a variety of fields.
Together with their instructor, Dr. Domzalski, students worked throughout the semester to master several research skills vital for college-level and professional work. These skills include locating and evaluating various online and print sources and organizing their findings into a substantive, structured, and balanced scholarly argument. Additionally, students refined their notetaking techniques through practice with academic databases, including those from UCLA's Powell Library, and a range of subject-specific materials, allowing them to comprehend and analyze complex academic material.
The conference featured the following projects:
- CTRL+ALT+DEFEAT: The Rise of Robots and Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace by Parker Hamilton '25
- Dark Minds: The Primary Types of Serial Killers and How They Are Made by Eva N. '24
- Your favorite rapper's favorite rapper: MF DOOM, Music, & Identity by Easton Z. '25
- The Lack of Sleep in Adolescents: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions by Lexie A. '25
- The Mind Controls Everything: Mental Health in Professional Soccer Players by Daron J. '25
- Heads up!: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) in Boxing Vs. MMA by Daniel R. '25
The TED Talk-style multimedia presentations were the culmination of the hard work and dedication that the Honors Research students had put into their projects. Each student meticulously crafted their presentation, combining visuals, audio, and engaging storytelling to convey their research findings effectively. Their families, fellow students, and faculty members were captivated as they listened to presenters confidently discuss their topic, showcasing the depth of their knowledge and the passion they had developed throughout the research process. The presentations were informative and intriguing, leaving the audience with a newfound appreciation for the students' expertise and the importance of their chosen area of study.
These Trailblazers balanced their research and writing with a slew of challenging AP classes and extracurricular commitments—and they did excellent work! Congratulations to all of them!