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2nd Grade Unveils the World of Economics

2nd Grade Unveils the World of Economics
Trailblazer News

This week, 2nd Grade students kicked off their highly anticipated social studies unit about producers and consumers with a trip to the Lumient Candle factory.

Lumient Candles, a local business owned and operated by the Coleman Family (Cella '34), was pivotal in launching this exciting and educational field trip. This Sierra Canyon family generously opened their factory doors to connect the students' learning with real-world experiences.

During their visit, students rotated through three stations, each offering a unique window into the candle-making business. They learned how to insert wicks into the bottoms of glass jars and closely observed the machinery's inner workings. Students were fascinated as they explored the consistency of soy wax and witnessed its transformation as it melted before being poured into jars. Additionally, they explored candle customization, discovering when and how to add fragrance and coloring to create unique scents and colors. At the labeling and packaging station, the Coleman Family crafted individualized labels for each student, featuring their name and personalized details of their candle's ingredients and from where all the raw materials originated. Each finished candle was thoughtfully packaged into boxes, ready to accompany them home.

These students will now embark on their own economics endeavors in class. In small groups guided by parent volunteers, students will be given a budget and asked to brainstorm and decide on a kid-friendly product to produce and sell. They will then collect materials to build and package their products and find a creative way to advertise them. The social studies unit will culminate with a celebratory marketplace featuring all the produced items and students will enjoy shopping with (fake) money.

Many thanks to the Coleman Family for generously sharing their business and making this unforgettable educational experience possible for our young entrepreneurs.

#SCLowerSchool #SCExperientalLearning

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