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Lower School Students Connect With Art Therapy and Special Guest

Lower School Students Connect With Art Therapy and Special Guest
Trailblazer News

In recent weeks, Kindergarten and 6th Grade students delved into the world of art therapy with help from a special guest.

These Lower School students experienced a one-of-a-kind art class with Leroy, a delightful 9-month-old Goldendoodle, and Ms. Tymoczko's therapy dog in training. Since he was two months old, he has joyfully engaged with young learners in classroom settings. In these Art Therapy lessons, Leroy took center stage as a still-life model, prompting students to eagerly observe and capture his unique details while asking themselves what physical characteristics make him so adorable: Are his ears pointed or floppy? Does he have straight or curly hair? Is his tail long or short? How does his loveable nature come across so physically?

Using oil pastels, these artists mixed and blended colors to bring their portraits to life. Observational drawing is a crucial technique for artists, involving depictions of what one sees and encouraging a careful examination of shapes, patterns, perspectives, colors, shadows, contours, and how all of these details interact. Such capacities provide the foundation for various drawing forms like figure drawing, landscape, portraiture, and still life, developing observation skills, fine-tuning technical abilities, and increasing understanding of form, light, and shadow.

This approach to art education, proven to be an inspiring and calming experience for students, aligns with art therapy's recognized benefits, including stress reduction, enhanced self-expression, and improved emotional well-being. By incorporating Leroy into the art lesson, students connected with the therapeutic aspects of the creative process while enjoying the comfort that a therapy dog can bring—highlighting art's versatility to foster creative skills and mental well-being in an educational setting.

The sole job of a therapy dog is to share love and support throughout the community. Recognizing Leroy's profound impact on individuals, Hannah C. '30 acknowledges the importance of therapy dogs, expressing her aspirations, "I want to train service dogs when I grow up." Students also watched clips from a documentary series called "Superpower Dogs," exploring the important jobs of specially trained service and therapy animals.

Leroy's visits were a fantastic opportunity for kids to meet a therapy dog in training, learn about art therapy, and practice their observational drawing skills. Click here to view the incredible artwork from these Trailblazers!

#SCLowerSchool #SCVisualArt

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