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Taylor Bell '16: Adapting & Flourishing With Finesse

Taylor Bell '16: Adapting & Flourishing With Finesse
Trailblazer News

We recently had a chance to catch up with Taylor Bell '16, and if you haven't seen her lately, make sure you read the Q&A below to find out what is keeping her busy these days.

When did you attend and graduate from Sierra Canyon?

I was a Lifer! From Pre-Kindergarten to graduating High School in 2016.

Tell us about life after SC. Was it what you expected?

I went to the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business. Specifically, the Huntsman Program—one of Penn's dual degree programs where you earn a degree in economics from Wharton and a degree in International Studies from the College of Arts and Sciences. I double concentrated in Operations and Business Management at Wharton and had a target language focus of Spanish within my International Studies degree (which led me to study in Madrid and Barcelona).

It was everything I could've hoped for and so much more. Penn and the Huntsman Program introduced me to the most interesting, diverse, intellectually curious people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Fun fact: I stumbled upon the Huntsman Program with my college counselor, Stephanie Rubin, in October of my senior year. Luckiest find ever.

What did life immediately after college look like for you?

Life immediately after college was COVID, so I had to take a slightly unconventional path. I had my management consulting job in NYC lined up to start after graduation, but COVID pushed my start date back to the point where I had almost a full gap year. My hopes to travel after graduating came to a halt, so I moved back home to LA for the gap year. During that time, I started a reselling side hustle to keep myself busy and make a little money. A few months into the side hustle, I started making YouTube videos about it for fun. Fast forward to today, and YouTube is now my full-time job and business, where I make videos focused on New York City lifestyle and business-related topics. (shameless link to my channel for anyone who is curious:

Where are you living now?

In Manhattan, New York City!

Tell us more about the evolution of your YouTube career. What has it been like to navigate your newfound fame and attention?

YouTube came about almost by accident. I was watching videos on how to be a better reseller during COVID, and I thought to myself that I could make even better videos about the topic. I immediately fell in love with video production, and it has evolved over the last three years to become my career and passion. The "fame" aspect has honestly been a ton of fun. It has led me to some incredible friends and connections, and being approached on the street by people who have found my videos helpful is such a rewarding feeling. I, of course, keep safety at the top of my mind always!

Do you have a favorite SC memory?

It's impossible to pick just one. If I could combine all the football and basketball games, every Homecoming and Prom night, chats with my incredible teachers, lunchtime shenanigans on the Plaza, and graduation day into one memory—that would be it. Cop out, I know.

Are you still in touch with any friends or faculty from SC?

I am! I have friends from my graduating class and 1-2 classes ahead of me—some of whom also live in New York now. I'm so happy to see a good number of faculty members every single year during the East Coast College Tour (for four years straight when they came to tour Penn, and now when they stop in NY for an Alumni Meetup). SC faculty truly are gems. 

Do you have any advice for recent SC grads?

Congrats, first of all!

My advice is always to say "yes" to as many things as possible when you're first starting college. Whether it's going to the random party or trying out that class that you're sort of interested in but not too sure about—whatever it is, I have found it is often those unexpected moments that can bring the most life-changing experiences. 

Like randomly discovering a life-changing program with Stephanie Rubin in your senior year?


How about advice for current students?

My gosh, what a special time you have ahead of you. It's cliché, but it really does go by so fast—so take advantage of all of the unique things that SC offers, and it can take you to some amazing places. And, of course, have so much fun. Seriously.

It was a BLAST chatting with Taylor, and we know you'll love hanging with her, too! Click here to get to know this Trailblazer better and follow her adventures in New York!

Fun fact: In her senior year, Taylor was voted one of the students "Most Likely to send their kids to SC"!


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