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Danny M. ‘26 Wins Three National Latin Awards

Danny M. ‘26 Wins Three National Latin Awards
Trailblazer News

In March, Latin students from 6th-12th Grade took the National Latin Exam (NLE), a test that evaluates students' proficiency in reading Latin and their general knowledge about Ancient Rome.

Many Sierra Canyon students achieved impressive scores and garnered numerous awards; however, Danny M. '26 emerged as a standout by earning a perfect score on the Advanced Poetry test (perennially the most challenging exam level). As a result of his outstanding performance, Danny will take home no fewer than three awards: a gold medal, a personalized perfect score certificate, and—the real prize—the Maureen O'Donnell Book award, an award bestowed upon students who earn at least four gold medals on the NLE exam. Danny says, "I find studying Latin valuable because it gives you a direct way to look into the ancient past of humanity. We tend to think of Latin and the Ancient World as extremely far removed from the modern day when, in reality, it happened much closer to us than we think. Studying Latin and the Ancient World helps me understand how humanity became humanity in such a short period of time." 

Though prestigious, these prizes do little to contextualize the magnitude of Danny's achievements over his career. Upper School Latin teacher Mr. Steve Faulkner has taught Danny for four years. He shares, "Danny is that rare student who combines astounding analytical skills with an innate love of knowing; when it comes to learning Latin, there has never been a more perfect union." Studying an ancient civilization—especially in a dead language—requires a curiosity that transcends the will to consume information. Students must adapt their thinking to understand the ancient world on its own terms and set aside the limiting lens of modern perspective. Danny's mastery of this delicate balance has propelled him into the ranks of this generation's best young Latinists and historians.

In a world where learning is increasingly commodified, Danny is a rare example of a young man who understands the value of intellectual pursuits for their own sake. His teachers are endlessly proud of him for his achievements and because he continues to develop as a scholar every day. Through his distinctive blend of exactness, insight, and a ravenous desire to discover the truth, Danny is a true Trailblazer who inspires the people around him to realize their potential.


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Danny M. ‘26 Wins Three National Latin Awards