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5th Grade Instills Healthy Habits for Wellness Week

5th Grade Instills Healthy Habits for Wellness Week
Trailblazer News

Sierra Canyon's 5th Grade Wellness Week is an exciting opportunity for students to embrace healthy habits and explore their social, emotional, ethical, and holistic needs.

From Monday, April 22, through Friday, April 26, these Trailblazers were divided into groups and rotated through five stations: Human Development, Mindfulness and Yoga, Nutrition and Fitness, Team Building and Leadership, and Well-Being. By the end of the week, they learned skills and strategies in each area to support their personal growth and wellness.

At the Well-Being station, students learned about self-awareness, conflict resolution, goal setting, positive self-talk, responsible decision-making, peer pressure, relationship skills, and kindness. Through interactive activities and discussions, they practiced lifelong skills to help them navigate future challenges with resilience and confidence. Meanwhile, the Team Building and Leadership station offered various exciting challenges such as the egg drop, marble run, and mine-sweeper. These activities fostered collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership skills.

After learning about healthy food options at the Nutrition and Fitness station, students participated in physical activities with Mr. Troy Samuels, former Head Coach of Cross Country and Track and Field, who taught them easy ways to stay active throughout the day. The station provided a fun way to understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, they engaged in practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga at the Mindfulness and Yoga station, learning how such practices can reduce stress and improve focus and concentration.

Lastly, the 5th Grade students met in small, same-gender groups for the Human Development rotation. Nurse Holly addressed the physical and emotional changes that puberty brings and that many have started to experience.

The success of Wellness Week not only provided students with essential life skills but also created a strong foundation for their future growth and development.

#SCLowerSchool #SCWellness

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5th Grade Instills Healthy Habits for Wellness Week