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12th Grade Creates Well-Being Initiatives for UC

12th Grade Creates Well-Being Initiatives for UC
Trailblazer News

Sierra Canyon School strives to foster wellness and a strong sense of community, enabling our students to thrive across all grade levels. 

Sociology of Well-Being is a semester-long course offered to 12th Grade students and is taught by Sierra Canyon's Wellness Director, Dr.  Serena Hobson. Recently, her students utilized health and wellness concepts to complete a group project entitled "Cultivating Well-Being Together," which aimed to foster a positive and supportive school environment. They drew heavily from their studies of well-being foundations in communities known as "Blue Zones." These communities, known for living longer and healthier lives with a great sense of purpose, include Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Icaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, California. Some students visited Nicoya, Costa Rica, during Peak Week to experience the culture of a Blue Zone. 

Class members organized multiple campus-wide events promoting well-being and testing the concepts they learned.

  • Blazeball, last year's athletic wellness event, was revamped to incorporate additional components. These changes aimed to enhance social connectedness and belonging among 7th-12th Grade students and Sierra Canyon alums!
  • Float What You Wrote focuses on promoting the well-being of Sierra Canyon's Middle School students. It encourages them to write one worry and two things they are grateful for and then release the worry physically by discarding it as a collective group. 
  • The Wellness Station serves as a "wellness center" that offers students different activities, such as slime-making, yoga, painting, and making wellness care packages.

With May's Mental Health Awareness Month approaching and Blazeball underway, anticipate Float What You Wrote and The Wellness Station scheduled for May.

#SCUpperSchool #SCMiddleSchool #SCWellness

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12th Grade Creates Well-Being Initiatives for UC