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Sierra Canyon Speech and Debate vs. Public Forum

Sierra Canyon Speech and Debate vs. Public Forum
Trailblazer News

The Sierra Canyon Speech and Debate Team is blazing new paths in forensics as they navigate the intricacies of competition.

Middle and Upper School debaters have been learning and practicing public speaking skills this semester, working to compete in local West Los Angeles District Tournaments. Although Sierra Canyon has traditionally participated in Parliamentary Debate in the past, this year, the Trailblazers are learning the ins and outs of Public Forum. As these students immerse themselves in the competitive national debate circuit, the focal point of which is the Public Forum Debate, they will accumulate valuable experience at the local level.

In Public Forum Debate, students practice oratory and argumentation skills in debating issues of public interest ranging from geopolitical issues, like the U.S. military presence in the Arctic, to socioeconomic issues, such as forgiving student loan debt. In researching these issues and building cases on both opposing sides, students train their abilities to think critically, write cogently, and speak persuasively. Debaters can often be found in the Upper Campus Library researching their cases and rehearsing speeches. Skills developed in Speech and Debate are at the heart of students' work across humanities and social science subjects, promoting their academic growth and success in a challenging, dynamic, and competitive activity.

The Debate Team is learning a mantra—Think Fast, Think Out Loud—that will bring them to the state qualifiers in the spring and lots of fun along the way.

#SCUpperSchool #SCMiddleSchool #SCSpeechAndDebate

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Sierra Canyon Speech and Debate vs. Public Forum